2019 Announcements


Picture of Employment Attorney Cynthia Sass as member of the Lawyers for the Arts Ad Hoc Board Committee of Tampa Museum of ArtCynthia Sass joined the Lawyers for the Arts program, which is an Ad Hoc Board Committee of the Tampa Museum of Art.  The Lawyers for the Arts program is specifically designed to help local attorneys learn about the most recent and significant case law impacting the art world.  The Tampa Museum’s Executive Director, Michael Tomor, established this program and Ms. Sass is honored to be a part of it.



Picture of Employment Attorney Cynthia Sass next to blue logo for ABA TIPS

Cynthia Sass wrote a chapter about Discovery and Deposing the Alleged Harasser and Defense Witnesses:  Plaintiff’s Perspective for a new TIPS book, Sexual Harassment and Retaliation:  A Practical Guide for Plaintiff and Defense, released in April 2019 by the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association.  With sexual harassment and retaliation claims on the rise, the book offers critical background and best practices for attorneys representing both Plaintiff Employees and Defendant Employers to successfully litigate these difficult claims.



Picture of Employment Attorney Cynthia Sass with the Bloomberg BNA and ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law LogosCynthia Sass is the Southeast Regional Editor of the 2019 Supplement to Employment at Will: A State-By-State Survey published by the American Bar Association and Bloomberg BNA. Cynthia will also be co-authoring the Florida Chapter.



ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law and BNA logo next to picture of Board Certified Employment Attorney Yvette EverhartYvette Everhart will be co-authoring the Florida Chapter of the 2019 Supplement to the book Employment at Will: A State-By-State Survey which is expected to be published by the American Bar Association and Bloomberg BNA this November.



Picture of employment law attorney Cynthia Sass at her desk next to ABA labor and employment law logo

Cynthia Sass is Employee Co-Chair of the Annual Section Conference Planning Committee for the Section of Labor and Employment Law of the American Bar Association for the 13th Annual Section Conference, the 2018-2019 term.



Picture of Board Certified Employment Attorney Yvette Everhart as CoChair of the website subcommittee

Yvette Everhart is Co-Chair of the Website Subcommittee of the Communications Committee of the Labor and Employment Section of The Florida Bar for the 2018-2019 term.



Picture of Board Certified Employment Attorney Janet Wise as member of the Florida Bar Standing Committee Labor & Employment Law Certification

Janet Wise has been appointed Vice Chair of the Labor & Employment Law Certification Committee, a Standing Committee of The Florida Bar for the 2019-2020 term.



Picture of Employment Lawyer Cynthia Sass in the middle with the Florida Bar seal to her left and the ABA logo to her right

Cynthia Sass continues as Co-Chair of the ABA Liaison Committee of the Labor and Employment Law Section of The Florida Bar for the 2018-2019 term.



Picture of employment attorney Yvette Everhart as Executive Council Member of the Labor and Employment Law Section of the Florida Bar

Yvette Everhart is a member of the Executive Council of the Labor and Employment Law Section of The Florida Bar for the 2017-2021 term.



Picture of Employment Lawyer Cynthia Sass with HCBA logo as Co-Chair of Labor & Employment Section 2016-2019

Cynthia Sass is serving another term as Co-Chair of the Labor & Employment Section of the Hillsborough County Bar Association for 2018-2019.




Picture of Board Certified Employment Lawyer Janet Wise Advisory Council Member Ethics and Sanctions Committee NELA 2002-2019

Janet Wise continues as a member of the Advisory Council of the Ethics and Sanctions Committee of the National Employment Lawyers Association for 2019.  Ms. Wise has been a member of the Ethics and Sanctions Committee since 2002.



Picture of Employment Lawyer Yvette Everhart next to a blackboard indicating she is member of the Law School Liaison Committee of the Florida Bar labor and employment law section

Yvette Everhart is a member of the Law School Liaison Committee of the Labor and Employment Law Section of The Florida Bar for the 2018-2019 term.



Picture of Employee Law Attorney Amanda Biondolino as Co-Chair of the Labor and Employment Section of Hillsborough County Bar Association logo 2019-2020

Amanda Biondolino will serve as Co-Chair of the Labor & Employment Section of the Hillsborough County Bar Association for the 2019-2020 term.



Past 2019 Events


ABA Labor and Employment Section blue and white logo with picture of attorney Yvette Everhart as ModeratorNOVEMBER 8, 2019 – Yvette Everhart moderated and participated in the panel discussion Who is Entitled to Protection from Retaliation? (Fundamentals), at the 13th Annual Section Conference this November sponsored by the Section of Labor and Employment Law of the American Bar Association.  The panelists discussed the growth of third-party retaliation claims since the Thompson decision in 2011 and how courts are determining which type of co-employee relationships are sufficient to allow third-party retaliation claims to proceed.  A comparison of the analysis of third-party claims under Title VII and anti-retaliation provisions of other labor laws such as the FLSA were also included.



Logo for the Labor and Employment Law Section of the Florida Bar above a picture of Employment Attorney Cynthia Sass Panelist

OCTOBER 17, 2019 – Cynthia Sass and her fellow panelists discussed First Amendment in Public Employment at the 45th Annual Public Employment Labor Relations Forum in Orlando.  The event was sponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section and the City, County and Local Government Law Section of The Florida Bar.



Logo for 2019 NELA NOLA conference next to picture of Board Certified Employment Attorney Janet Wise of Sass Law FirmJUNE 28, 2019 – Janet Wise spoke at the NELA convention in New Orleans.  The topic of her panel presentation was Does the Opposition Clause Have Only Selective Application? Defendants’ Use of the Manager Rule to Limit Retaliation Claims.  Ms. Wise discussed the current law in the Eleventh Circuit on this topic and how best to deal with arguments employers make related thereto.



Picture of stetson law award ceremony with Yvette Everhart, Tara Patcher and DeanMAY 17, 2019 – Yvette Everhart, on behalf of the Law School Liaison Subcommittee, proudly presented The Florida Bar Labor and Employment Law Section Scholarship and Dean W. Gary Vause Award to a former Sass Law Firm law clerk at the Stetson University College of Law Awards and Honors Ceremony held on May 17, 2019



Public Interest Law Section of the Florida Bar logo with picture of Amanda Biondolino Employment Attorney as Speaker on the Fair Housing ActAPRIL 25, 2019 – Amanda Biondolino spoke at a live webinar sponsored by the Public Interest Law Section of The Florida Bar on the Fair Housing Act on April 25, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. Her presentation was designed to help attorneys gain a better understanding of state and federal fair housing laws.



APRIL 22, 2019 – Cynthia Sass co-moderated a panel on the topic Practicing at the Intersection of Criminal Law and Employment Law: A Panel Discussion Regarding Employees’ and Employers’ Criminal Activity in the Workplace – What employment counsel should consider when representing their clients who are accused of crimes in the workplace.  This cross-over CLE luncheon was sponsored by the Labor and Employment Section of the Hillsborough County Bar Association in Tampa, Florida on Wednesday, April 22, 2019.



Employment Law Attorney Amanda Biondolino in red dress with the top portion of the 2019 Advanced Labor Topics brochure for the Labor and Employment Law Section of The Florida Bar

APRIL 12, 2019 – Amanda Biondolino spoke on Service Animals in the Workplace at the  Advanced Labor Topics 2019 seminar sponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section of The Florida Bar on April 12, 2019.  She addressed and provided insight into developing law on this topic including what exactly is considered a service animal, if emotional support animals are covered under the ADA, and the best and worst ways to handle animal accommodation requests.



Top portion of the 2019 Advanced Labor Topics brochure next to Program Co-Chair Cynthia Sass Employment AttorneyAPRIL 12 & 13, 2019 – Cynthia Sass was Program Co-Chair of the Advanced Labor Topics 2019 CLE seminar sponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section of The Florida Bar.  The seminar took place on April 12 & 13, 2019 in Jupiter, Florida at the Wyndham Grand at Harbourside Place.

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